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Consultations, Trainings and Mentorship

Illume provides a platform for agencies and providers to be exposed to new ideas with respect to fundamentals and overall model / concept.

Coaching & Mentoring
We know that going beyond training, to providing support, coaching and mentoring, is necessary for retention of materials and essential for a practice shift.

Assessment / Evaluation
We will help apply measurement to intended outcomes, in all areas, to reflect improved outcomes via consumer level data capture.

Agency Consultations
We work with agencies to strengthen programming across a variety of areas: improved implementation of evidence-based practices, best practices, an intentional focus on recovery-oriented, effective impacts.

We are always working toward systems-level change. Specifically, we do outreach to system funders, policy makers and service leaders, providing education, encouragement and data around the needs and benefits of service agencies.

Employee Well-Being
We provide intensive technical assistance, coaching and mentoring to help agencies implement a culture and practices that improve employee well-being.

Get Involved

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Call 555-555-5555

Copy about getting involved and membership info Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum cursus diam feugiat sapien ullamcorper porttitor. Phasellus in justo elit. Donec cursus eget nunc vitae ornare. Curabitur scelerisque malesuada mauris eu fermentum.

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