The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

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January 10 @ 8:30AM - 12:30PM

De-Escalation Techniques

Fri., Jan


Frontline staff in many organizations deal with volatile situations. This training is ideal for staff looking to maintain safety in unstable situations. Prepare your staff with the De-escalation Technique training that will assist in understanding how to prevent situations from escalating and becoming volatile. Our instructors will inform how to best work with individuals who are agitated or aggressive.

This training is presented by Emily Dreher, LPC, NCC, DBT-LC.

Emily Dreher, LPC, NCC, DBT-LBC is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Linehan Board Certified DBT Clinician with clinical experience providing outpatient therapy and in-home crisis counseling. Her specialties include working with individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder using Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Prolonged Exposure. Emily is also an Adjunct Lecturer in the Applied Health Behavior Research graduate program at Washington University.

Talk to us about an agency subscription for a discounted price or additional perks. If you would like to sign up your agency for a discounted price on these routine trainings throughout the year, please contact:

Continuing Education Guidelines for Illume In-person Training:

  • All attendees must attend the full time of the event.
  • All attendees are required to be registered before the event.
  • All attendees must complete the event CEU questions during the registration process and sign-in sheet at the start of the training.
  • Please arrive at the training 5-10 minutes before the start time to ensure that any potential difficulties are worked out before the event starts.
  • Attendees must attend the full event time to receive continuing education. If an attendee is not present at the start of the training, leaves for a significant time during the training, or leaves the training early, CEUs may not be awarded.
  • If an attendee experiences any issue that would keep them from being in the training from start time to end time, continuing education cannot be awarded. Illume retains the attendance list for auditing purposes.
  • Please allow at least 30 days to receive your CEU certificate or certificate of attendance. If a training has multiple dates, certificates will be sent at least 45 days from the date of the last training or workshop.


CEUs will only be disbursed via email to individuals who have followed the guidelines.