The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

Meeting you where you are

Substance use services

If you or someone in your life recognizes that your alcohol and/or drug use is causing you problems, or is limiting your success, we can help.

Places for People’s trained professionals can help address your substance use concerns.

Everyone has a “life story” and we want to get to know yours. We will partner with you to sort through what is and what is not working in your life.

Based on what you need, we will help you develop a plan to move forward.

You will often hear our services referred to as “counseling” and “case management.”

Basically, we have a team of individuals with various backgrounds and expertise to assist you in the different areas where you would like help.

We work with those we serve individually and in groups.

We can also work with those people in your world who are part of your “life story.”

Our role is to provide you with accurate information, support, and the resources you need to have the “life story” you would like to have.

Our team members who are responsible for your care use best practices, which means the information and skills they provide to you have been proven to help individuals like yourself rewrite one’s “life story.”

All of our services are voluntary and are provided on an “outpatient” basis. You can continue to attend to your day-to-day responsibilities while working on your story.

If you live with a mental illness and a substance use concern, Places for People has teams that can help.

Places for People is able to offer funding if you do not have insurance or if the insurance you have is still too expensive for you to afford care.

Two service sites

Soulard Campus

Places for People
1001 Lynch Street
Saint Louis, MO  63118


Mission: St. Louis building
3108 N Grand Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63107