Employment Services
Supporting a positive employment experience
For many people living with mental illness or a substance use disorder, an important recovery goal is to be productively employed. Our employment specialists provide individualized services to assist individuals find and maintain meaningful work in the community.
Places for People provides Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to help people with severe mental illness and substance use disorders earn and maintain competitive jobs.
Research demonstrates that Individual Placement and Support (IPS), an evidence-based practice, is the most effective way to assist and support competitive employment in the community for people living with severe mental illnesses.
Our highly trained employment specialists take time to learn about the business community and our persons served to match needs and skills providing a valuable service to both. They are then available for both on- and off-site consultation to help our persons served maintain employment. This also provides employers with a supported workforce.
Places for People’s Individual Placement and Support Program is a Vocational Rehabilitation vendor.
We provide individualized services to assist with finding meaningful work in the community.