Contact Us
General Inquiries + Requests
We are here if you are looking for mental health and/or substance use support in the St. Louis area. Accessing services for adults starts with a conversation during an initial screening. Walk-in hours for adults are available on a first-come, first-served basis Monday through Friday from 9-11am and from 1-3pm at 1001 Lynch Street, St. Louis, MO 63118. Please contact our main phone at 314-535-5600 for more information about adult walk-in hours.
More information about youth services, adult outpatient therapy, and services for substance use concerns
- To inquire about the initial steps for starting with our youth and family services, please contact 314.330.2403
- For more information about our adult outpatient therapy program, please contact 314-615-9105, ext. 402.
- For more information about our program offering support for adults with substance use concerns, please contact, 314-615-2119.
Welcome Center + Intake
1001 Lynch Street
St. Louis, MO 63118
(map) -
(314) 535-5600
For non-urgent general questions and inquiries, please fill out this form. Responses are checked Monday-Friday. If you have an emergency or urgent medical need, please contact 988 (Suicide + Crisis Lifeline) or 911.
All Locations
Places for People Soulard Campus
1001 Lynch St
St. Louis, MO 63118
Places for People’s Soulard Campus is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. In addition to the comprehensive services offered by PFP staff, the Soulard Campus includes St. Louis Pharmacy, and a satellite site of Family Care Health Centers.
SSM Behavioral Health Urgent Care
3635 Vista Ave
St. Louis, MO 63110
The walk-in Urgent Care is open six days a week, Monday-Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. This Behavioral Health Urgent Care is currently open to adults 18 and older.
Outpatient Substance Use Clinic – North Location
3108 N Grand Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63107
To reach people where they are, we offer outpatient substance use services in offices at the headquarters of Mission: St. Louis. Our outpatient substance use treatment team uses a stage-based approach based on the individual’s level of readiness.
Common General Questions
Do you provide housing?
Places for People is healthcare organization, providing services to support mental illness and substance use concerns. Our dedicated staff members can help individuals with their housing search, but Places for People does not have housing options of its own. Please call 2-1-1 for support finding a shelter or longer-term housing.