The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

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January 29 @ 8:30AM - 12:00PM

Fundamentals of CBT for Depression and Anxiety

Wed., Jan


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy in which negative thought patterns for a given situation are challenged to alter unwanted emotions and behavior patterns. The goal of this training is to learn to apply the basic model of CBT to the common problem areas of depression and anxiety. Participants will learn to conceptualize these problem areas within a CBT framework and will learn about basic CBT tools and techniques utilized in their treatment.

This training will be presented by Dr. Nishith, Ph.D.

Dr. Pallavi Nishith has 22 years of experience working in the field of trauma and PTSD. She is currently working in the capacity of Staff Psychologist at Places for People, Inc., and in this capacity is conducting clinical, research, and training work in Trauma, and PTSD in Serious Mental Illness (SMI).

CEU Guidelines for Illume In-person Training:

  • All attendees must attend the full time of the event.
  • All attendees are required to be registered before the event.
  • All attendees must complete the event CEU questions during the registration process and sign-in sheet at the start of the training.
  • Please arrive at the training 5-10 minutes before the start time to ensure that any potential difficulties are worked out before the event starts.
  • Attendees must attend the full event time to receive continuing education. If an attendee is not present at the start of the training, leaves for a significant time during the training, or leaves the training early, CEUs may not be awarded.
  • If an attendee experiences any issue that would keep them from being in the training from start time to end time, continuing education cannot be awarded. Illume retains the attendance list for auditing purposes.
  • Please allow at least 30 days to receive your CEU certificate or certificate of attendance. If a training has multiple dates, certificates will be sent at least 30 days from the date of the last training or workshop.
  • CEUs will only be disbursed via email to individuals who have followed the guidelines.
If you have any questions, please contact Illume Program Coordinator, Rashma James at