Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing is a well-established evidence-based practice for helping individuals explore ambivalence and work toward positive change. Motivational Interviewing is a therapeutic approach that has been demonstrated to be effective in supporting a diverse clientele in addressing a wide variety of change concerns.
This training will give you a framework for understanding an individual’s motivation and resolve ambivalence by enabling people to recognize their patterns, own their outcomes, and understand how they will achieve those goals. Clinicians and behavioral health staff utilize motivational interviewing to attend to clients and staff needs in a person-centered way.
This training is presented by Julie Blanco, LCSW, CRAADC. She has dedicated 33 years of her career to supporting individuals living with mental illness and substance use concerns, including 11 years as Integrated Treatment Program Manager (first at Community Alternatives, then at Places for People following the two organizations’ merger). Julie is certified as a Trainer for TREM, is a Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) member, and a Certified Trainer of CRA, among other licensure and certifications. Additionally, Julie has been an adjunct professor at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis since Spring 2020.
Behavioral Health professionals may apply for up to 6 CEUs.
Continuing Education Guidelines for Illume In-person Training:
- All attendees must attend the full time of the event.
- All attendees are required to be registered before the event.
- All attendees must complete the event CEU questions during the registration process and sign-in sheet at the start of the training.
- Please arrive at the training 5-10 minutes before the start time to ensure that any potential difficulties are worked out before the event starts.
- Attendees must attend the full event time to receive continuing education. If an attendee is not present at the start of the training, leaves for a significant time during the training, or leaves the training early, CEUs may not be awarded.
- If an attendee experiences any issue that would keep them from being in the training from start time to end time, continuing education cannot be awarded. Illume retains the attendance list for auditing purposes.
- Please allow at least 30 days to receive your CEU certificate or certificate of attendance. If a training has multiple dates, certificates will be sent at least 30 days from the date of the last training or workshop.
- CEUs will only be disbursed via email to individuals who have followed the guidelines.