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March 19 @ 9:00AM - 11:30AM

Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness in Older Adults

Wed., Mar


Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness in Older Adults

The general population often has limited knowledge and misconceptions regarding behavioral health disorders. This can lead to increased stigma surrounding behavioral health disorders as well as delayed treatment.

For many individuals with behavioral health disorders, delaying treatment may lead to an increase in symptom severity, an increase in risk factors for safety, and a lower general quality of life. Older adults experience unique biological and social risks for mental health and substance use conditions.

Through this training, participants will be able to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use conditions among older adults. Participants will be able to identify risk factors for behavioral health conditions across diverse populations of older adults.

This training is presented by Mario Fennoy and Julie Blanco, LCSW, CRAADC. She has dedicated 33 years of her career to supporting individuals living with mental illness and substance use concerns, including 11 years as Integrated Treatment Program Manager (first at Community Alternatives, then at Places for People following the two organizations’ merger). Julie is certified as a Trainer for TREM, is Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) member, a Certified Trainer of CRA, among other licensure and certifications. Additionally, Julie has been an adjunct professor at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis since Spring 2020.

This training is a part of the Older Adults and Behavioral Health collaboration, sponsored by Behavioral Health Network.

If you have any questions, please contact Illume Coordinator, Rashma James, at

Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness in Older Adults