The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

Planned Giving

Bequests Made Through Wills Or Revocable Living Trusts

Making a bequest to PFP can be as simple as naming us as beneficiary with a specific dollar amount or asset, or a percentage of your residual estate after you have provided for your loved ones.

You can make a lasting impact by making a planned gift to support Places for People and the individuals we serve.

Gifts Of Beneficiary Designations

A beneficiary designation is the simplest way to make a planned gift to Places for People. Requesting a Change of Beneficiary form for your retirement plan, insurance policy or savings account, can be made online, by mail, or by phone. When you complete your form, name Places for People as a full or partial beneficiary and provide our tax identification number. Most plans, policies or accounts will allow you to name a beneficiary for as little as 5%. Any percentage will have a major impact on Places for People.

Designations Can Be Made On:

  • Retirement plans [e.g., traditional IRA, Keogh, 401(k)]: Including Places for People as a primary beneficiary for single adults and a contingent beneficiary for married adults.
  • Life insurance policies: Identifying Places for People as a beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy, whether through your employer or a separate policy, or a new term life insurance policy naming Places for People as the beneficiary.
  • Bank savings or brokerage accounts: Designating Places for People as a beneficiary Payable on Death (POD) on your bank and brokerage accounts.

To make a planned gift naming Places for People, you will need:

Places for People, Inc.
Tax ID number: 23-7433924
1001 Lynch Street
St. Louis, MO 63118


Please contact the Brightli network’s philanthropic arm, Brightli Foundation.
