The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

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You all are there when I need you all to be. I recommend it to anybody.


Ashanti's Journey

At just 15 years old, Ashanti came to Places for People (PFP) unhoused and looking for behavioral health support. 

Her Granny found out about PFP online and encouraged Ashanti to seek help. To show their support, her Granny even went with her to our Lindell location (our previous location) the very next day. 

Ashanti has been with us ever since. Once she got enrolled in services, our staff helped her obtain an ID and birth certificate, get back on medication, find housing, and receive therapy. Our staff often meet her where she’s at in the community, but Ashanti also enjoys coming to our state-of-the-art Soulard building from time to time. 

She is proud to look back and see what she has grown through. Hearing her talk about their therapist instantly lifts your spirit. It is clear that she respects them and enjoys their collaboration, as it was emphasized that she looks forward to therapy each week. Ashanti has worked a lot on managing her anger. She reports that therapy and medication support has helped her stay out of jail and not be as destructive as she once were. 

She’s made amazing progress, but not just for herself anymore. Ashanti is now a mother and has put in the effort to give them both not just a roof over their head, but a place that feels like home. Her and her baby are thriving and grateful to be in their own space. 

“You all are there when I need you all to be. I recommend it to anybody. They do have good services here. PFP has good people. I love working with PFP,” says Ashanti. 

The feeling is mutual, Ashanti! We are grateful to be a part of your story! Congratulations to you on all you’ve accomplished! 

PFP has good people. I love working with PFP.


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