Contact Us
- Inquiries and Future ServicesContact Illume
If you would like further information on services for you or your agency/organization or would like to be added to our list for future trainings, webinars, or advocacy information please click the link and fill in the form.
Where is Illume located?
Illume is located in the Blanke Building at 1310 Papin Street, St. Louis, MO 63103 (map)
Where do I park at 1310 Papin Street?
Feel free to utilize any available parking spaces surrounding the Blanke Building, which is what the building is formally called at 1310 Papin Street. To park closest to the entrance to access Illume, please park near where you can read the sign on the outside of the building that reads “1310 Papin Street” or the standalone sign that reads “Blanke Building, General Offices Information, 1310”. If you are standing outside of the 1310 Papin entrance, the St. Louis Arch will be in the distance on your left side.
What floor is the new Illume office on and how do I get there?
After entering through the 1310 Papin Street entrance, there will be elevators to your right. Please take those elevators up one floor and then take a left immediately out of the elevator. You will quickly see a glass door labeled “Illume”.
What if I am still lost?
Feel free to contact us at or at 314-328-2911.