The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence

Our Research

Illume: The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence generates and shares knowledge about client needs and effective service approaches gained through evaluating innovative programs and projects.

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Places for People’s Research and Evaluation program disseminates information about programs and projects in a wide array of formats.

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  • Behavioral health professionals
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Recent and Selected Publications

Click each topic to find associated publications

Assertive Community Treatment

Morse, G., Monroe-DeVita, M., York, M. M., Peterson, R., Miller, J., Hughes, M., Carpenter-Song, E., Akiba, C., & McHugo, G. J. (2020). Implementing illness management and recovery within assertive community treatment teams: A qualitative study. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 43(2), 121–131.

Monroe-DeVita, M., Morse, G., Mueser, K., McHugo, G., Haiyi, X., Haligren, K., Peterson, R., Miller, J., Akiba, C., York, M. (2018). Implementing Illness management and recovery within Assertive Community Treatment: A pilot trial of feasibility and effectiveness. Psychiatric Services (69) 562-571/

Morse, G., Glass, A., Monroe-DeVita, M. (2015). ACT and recovery: What we know about their compatibility. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 42.

Morse, G. A., Dell, N. A., Murphy, A. M., & Stewart, M. (2022). Happiness, Well-Being, and Recovery: Experiences of Adults Receiving Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication.

Dell, N. A., Maynard, B. R., Murphy, A. M., Stewart, M. (in press). The conduct of systematic reviews: An application of sociotechnical systems theory. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.

Services for People who are Experiencing Homelessness

Morse, G., York, M., Dell, N., Blanco, J., & Birchmier, C. (2017). Improving outcomes for homeless people with alcohol disorders: a multi-program, community-based approach. Journal of Mental Health

Morse, G.A., Calsyn, R. J., Klinkenberg, W. D., Helminiak, T.W., Wolff, N., Drake, R. E., Lama, G., Lemming, M. R., McCudden, S. (2006). Treating Homeless Clients with Severe Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: Costs and Outcomes. Community Mental Health Journal, 42, 377-404.

Wolff, N., Helminiak, T.W., Morse, G.A., Calsyn, R.J., Klinkenberg, W.D., & Trusty, M.L. (1997). A cost- effectiveness evaluation of three approaches to case management for homeless mentally ill clients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 154, 341-348.

Morse, G.A., Calsyn, R.J., Klinkenberg, W.D., Trusty, M.L., Gerber, F., Smith, R., Tempelhoff, B., & Ahmad, L. (1997). An experimental comparison of three types of case management for homeless mentally ill persons. Psychiatric Services, 48, 497-503.

Morse, G.A., Calsyn, R.J., Miller, J., Rosenberg, P., West, L., & Gilliland, J. (1996). Outreach to homeless mentally ill people: Conceptual and clinical considerations. Community Mental Health Journal, 32, 261-274.

Morse, G.A., Calsyn, R.J., Allen, G., Tempelhoff, B., & Smith, R. (1992). Experimental comparison of the effects of three treatment programs for homeless mentally ill people. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 43, 1005-1010.

Nishith, P., Huang, J., Morse, G., Dell, N., Murphy, A.M., & Mueser, K.T. (2022). A test of self-medication hypothesis for drug use in homeless persons: The role of severe mental illness. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness.

Services for People with Serious Mentall Illness and PTSD

Nishith, P., Mueser, K. T., & Morse, G. A. (2015). A brief intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder in persons with a serious mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 38(4), 314–319.

Nishith, P., Huang, J., Morse, G., Dell, N., Murphy, A.M., & Mueser, K.T. (2022). A test of self-medication hypothesis for drug use in homeless persons: The role of severe mental illness. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness.

Dell, N.A., Murphy, A.M., Stewart, M., Sasaki, N., Klier, M. (2022). Promoting recovery among older adults with serious mental illness. Social Work, 67(2), 184-190.

Provider Burnout and Wellness

Morse, G. A. & Dell, N. A. (2021). The well-being and perspectives of community-based behavioral health staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, Social Work in Health CareDOI: 10.1080/00981389.2021.1904315

Morse, G.A., Salyers, M.P., Rollins, A.L., Monroe-DeVita, M., & Pfahler, C. (2012). Burnout in mental health services: A review of the problem and its remediation. Administration and Policy In Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39, 341-352.

Salyers, M.P., Hudson, Morse, G.A., C., Rollins, A., Monroe-DeVita, M., Wilson, C., Freeland, L. (2011). Breathe: A pilot study of burnout reduction in mental health professionals. Psychiatric Services, 62, 214-217.

Recovery and Wellbeing

Dell, N. A., Long, C., & Mancini, M. A. (2021). Models of mental health recovery: An overview of systematic reviews and qualitative meta-syntheses. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication.

Mental and Behavioral Health Experiences for At-Risk Groups

Vaughn, M. G., Dell, N. A., Long, C., Qian, A., DeLisi, M. (2023). Prevalence and correlates of knife-related victimization: Insights from the 2019 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample. Preventive Medicine, 175 

Publications focused on Older Adult Population

Dell, N. A, Sasaki, N., Stewart, M., Murphy, A.M., & Klier, M. (2020). Service needs of older adults with serious mental illness. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63:6-7, 659-661.

Dell, N. A, Huang, J., Buttafucco, K.A, Vidovic, K. R., Murphy, A.M., & Farrar, L.A. (2020). Direct and indirect associations between loneliness and thoughts of self-harm among a clinical sample of older adults with serious mental illness. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 208(10), 828-832).

Dell, N. A., Pelham, M., & Murphy, A. M. (2019). Loneliness and depressive symptoms in middle aged and older adults experiencing serious mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 42(2), 114-120.

Dell, N.A., Murphy, A.M., Stewart, M., Sasaki, N., Klier, M. (2022). Promoting recovery among older adults with serious mental illness. Social Work, 67(2), 184-190.


Vidovic, K. R., Dell, N. A., Murphy, A.M. (2020). Correlates of emotional and social loneliness among persons with serious mental illness. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Dell, N.A., Maynard, B.R., Stewart, M., & Murphy, A.M. (2019). Systematic review software: An exploration of core functionality and risks of automation bias. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Pelham, M., Dell, N.A., & Murphy, A.M. (2019). Associations between social isolation, emotional loneliness, and depressive symptoms in adults with serious mental illness. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

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Illume: The Behavioral Health Center of Excellence can consult and assist other providers with designing and implementing program evaluation studies and outcome management systems. Please contact Illume Director Cara Zitko for more information.

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